Hey all, resident nerd Aggievillain here. I had this idea that I would regularly start a thread where people can come in and just ask questions and we can have discussions on new tech hitting the market. Figured a great way to start it would be with the new phone I just got yesterday, the Galaxy Note 8.
So far, this phone is awesome. If any of you are in the market for a new phone, this phone is going to be near impossible to beat. People have high expectations for the anniversary iphone this year, but I have been rather unimpressed with the innovation of the iphone over the years. Samsung however, minus the exploding battery snafu, has added feature after feature.
Instead of rattling off a bunch of stuff that people don't care about, I figured I would leave this open as an AMA. Fire away, and I will give you my thoughts!
So far, this phone is awesome. If any of you are in the market for a new phone, this phone is going to be near impossible to beat. People have high expectations for the anniversary iphone this year, but I have been rather unimpressed with the innovation of the iphone over the years. Samsung however, minus the exploding battery snafu, has added feature after feature.
Instead of rattling off a bunch of stuff that people don't care about, I figured I would leave this open as an AMA. Fire away, and I will give you my thoughts!