I am a member of a K-State departmental advisory council. The primary objective of this council is achieving department-level goals which funnel up to the university-level 'K-State 2025' initiatives. My current project is developing ideas for "alumni engagement" to support the department; essentially coming up with ways to make alumni feel more connected so they are more involved, donate more, etc. This is not an area in which I have any experience or expertise.
Before I started pinging my friend Google I thought I would try the board and see what insights might be available. Does anyone have any experience with alumni engagement strategies you would be willing to share? Recommended resources? In what ways have your respective alumni organizations reached out to you which were effective?
Thank you in advance for any input.
Before I started pinging my friend Google I thought I would try the board and see what insights might be available. Does anyone have any experience with alumni engagement strategies you would be willing to share? Recommended resources? In what ways have your respective alumni organizations reached out to you which were effective?
Thank you in advance for any input.