From day one, the #NeverTrumper‘s, the #Resistance, the deep state intelligence community along with a complicit deep state media propaganda campaign has manufactured one faux outrage after another to create an environment of apocalyptic fear to undermine Trump’s #AmericaFirst agenda. It one time or another everyone of these was the “end of Trump“. I was wondering if I could get a status update from one of the left-wing conspiracy theorists?
#1 Russia gate hoax Election interference, collusion, deep state leaks, FBI investigation, impeachment. #TreasonSummit, alliance with Putin, #ComeyCallsForCoup
#2 Resistance, antifa riots Charlotte conspiracy Trump’s a racist white supremacist Neo Nazi hoax
#3 Trump pussy grabbing, women claiming they were assaulted smear campaign, Stormygate hoax
#4 Paris treaty global warming hoax
#4a World is coming to an end because the Iran Nuclear Treaty hoax was exposed. Trump actually caused hurricane Florence
#5 North Korean nuclear war hoax trade war to cause World War III hoax. North Korean peace summit outrage, harsh treatment of our allies outrage
#6 tax cut only for the rich hoax, Stock markets going to tank after the election hoax, economy is going into a recession after the election hoax
#7 mass shooting at schools outrage. Save the children, ban all guns. Repeal the Second Amendment. Boycott the evil NRA.
#8 illegal immigrant children outrage hoax
#9 Supreme Court nominee will result in the murder millions of women and turn back the clock to the 1950s
#10 Trump’s long deceased father‘s family tax returns from 35 years ago prepared by CPAs & tax attorneys & already audited by the IRS somehow show criminal activity.
#1 Russia gate hoax Election interference, collusion, deep state leaks, FBI investigation, impeachment. #TreasonSummit, alliance with Putin, #ComeyCallsForCoup
#2 Resistance, antifa riots Charlotte conspiracy Trump’s a racist white supremacist Neo Nazi hoax
#3 Trump pussy grabbing, women claiming they were assaulted smear campaign, Stormygate hoax
#4 Paris treaty global warming hoax
#4a World is coming to an end because the Iran Nuclear Treaty hoax was exposed. Trump actually caused hurricane Florence
#5 North Korean nuclear war hoax trade war to cause World War III hoax. North Korean peace summit outrage, harsh treatment of our allies outrage
#6 tax cut only for the rich hoax, Stock markets going to tank after the election hoax, economy is going into a recession after the election hoax
#7 mass shooting at schools outrage. Save the children, ban all guns. Repeal the Second Amendment. Boycott the evil NRA.
#8 illegal immigrant children outrage hoax
#9 Supreme Court nominee will result in the murder millions of women and turn back the clock to the 1950s
#10 Trump’s long deceased father‘s family tax returns from 35 years ago prepared by CPAs & tax attorneys & already audited by the IRS somehow show criminal activity.