The evil leftist liberal ilk, lost ( fortunately ) some terrorist comrades-in-arms, yesterday,in Spain... In multiple terror attacks, civilians and LEO's were injured and killed... Some terrorist, like those emulated and copied by the likes of the AntiFa and BLM ilks, were either captured or killed...Where was the immediate and definitive outrage and/or condemnation of these savage attacks, by an ever evil leftist liberal ilk leadership???? This must mean that the leftist liberal ilk support and champion this hatred and violence, right...Is it possible that the vocal vile leader of the fascist liberal ilk,Keith Ellison, has retreated to a "safe space" overcome by the combination of the emotions of elation at the success of the attacks in the killing and maiming of everyday civilians and LEO's and yet sorrowful at the loss of terrorist that might possibly have been fellow followers of faith???