Just saw a snippet in the local paper that the Big XII athletic director's are meeting in New Orleans and approved a rule yesterday that would prohibit accepting the transfers of athletes who have had discipline problems at their previous schools. Apparently the rule won't take effect until all member schools have had a chance to review the wording and approve it at the highest level. This is similar in scope to what the SEC already has in place. There was supposed to have been a press release on this, but I have not been able to find anything official on it yet. Anybody else have any knowledge on this?
Now that I have thought about this for a moment, maybe this is just a cover story and they're actually there to scout Tulane's facilities and see if they would be a good fit for expansion.
Now that I have thought about this for a moment, maybe this is just a cover story and they're actually there to scout Tulane's facilities and see if they would be a good fit for expansion.