Speed: Arthur Brown
Strength: Terry Pierce
Hitting: Jeff Kelly
Burst: Percell Gaskins
Nose for the Ball: Josh Buhl
Ability to cause turnovers: Elijah Lee
Smarts: Mark Simoneau
Pass rush: Mark Simoneau
Coverage: Mark Simoneau
Size: Ben Leber
Heart: Brooks Barta
(Never Saw Gary Spani Play)
Strength: Terry Pierce
Hitting: Jeff Kelly
Burst: Percell Gaskins
Nose for the Ball: Josh Buhl
Ability to cause turnovers: Elijah Lee
Smarts: Mark Simoneau
Pass rush: Mark Simoneau
Coverage: Mark Simoneau
Size: Ben Leber
Heart: Brooks Barta
(Never Saw Gary Spani Play)
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