There was all this electricity in the air. It started out mellow...kept getting crazier, crazier, and crazier until one big explosion,” MIke Troute remembered.
That explosion erupted after the wildcats wore down the jayhawks in a 24 to 7 football victory on October 13, 1984. The excitement began with fans attempting to tear down the goal post after the game. Then, nearly 8,000 flocked to Aggieville to continue celebrating.
Many consider this one of the nation's first college-sport inspired riots.
It quickly became a nightmare for authorities--fewer than 10 police officers managed Aggieville and those officers struggled through the violent uproar, dodging bottles, glass pitchers and stones. In the end, 6 officers were injured and one was stabbed. After additional authorities were called in to perform crowd-control 24 arrests were made.