on Winston Dimel during overtime. The crackback block.... that almost cost the CATS the game.
It appeared that Dimel simply stumbled forward and probably hit the side of the K-State offensive lineman more so than the defensive lineman (haven't re-watched the game yet).
I couldn't believe the ref threw the flag.
I mean a lot has been discussed about the refs making the wrong call when Driskel's knee was down and the clock stopped, but I thought the crackback blow was an extremely weak call, particulary given the circumstances.
Thoughts ?
It appeared that Dimel simply stumbled forward and probably hit the side of the K-State offensive lineman more so than the defensive lineman (haven't re-watched the game yet).
I couldn't believe the ref threw the flag.
I mean a lot has been discussed about the refs making the wrong call when Driskel's knee was down and the clock stopped, but I thought the crackback blow was an extremely weak call, particulary given the circumstances.
Thoughts ?