Circumstantial evidence:
Sam Walton was high ranking officer in WW2 in incarcerating Japanese after Pearl Harbor.
Hillary Clinton was on board of WalMart headquartered in lovely Arkansas, which BTW was largely controlled by Winthrop Rockefeller.
Strong rumors are Bill Clinton's real father was that Rockefeller.
Clinton and Gore attend Bilderberg in 1991.
Bush takes a fall in 1992 campaign opening the door for Rhodes scholar Billy boy. Perot, who made his first big score in securing the computing contract for the Nelson Rockefeller controlled State of New York, insures the Clinton election by sucking off "conservative" votes.
None dare call it conspiracy less they be made to look a fool.
Circumstantial evidence:
Sam Walton was high ranking officer in WW2 in incarcerating Japanese after Pearl Harbor.
Hillary Clinton was on board of WalMart headquartered in lovely Arkansas, which BTW was largely controlled by Winthrop Rockefeller.
Strong rumors are Bill Clinton's real father was that Rockefeller.
Clinton and Gore attend Bilderberg in 1991.
Bush takes a fall in 1992 campaign opening the door for Rhodes scholar Billy boy. Perot, who made his first big score in securing the computing contract for the Nelson Rockefeller controlled State of New York, insures the Clinton election by sucking off "conservative" votes.
None dare call it conspiracy less they be made to look a fool.