I have three tickets for the 2 September game. 2 are together and one is a single. Both in section 23 near the top. Excellent seats. Asking $40/tickets but would entertain offers. I can meet the day of to exchange.
At least 4 for sale for the 2nd home contest. Again section 23. Two sets of pairs. Again asking $40/ticket but would be willing to deal. Tickets can get picked up the day off again or at the first football game.
Email me at emaw01@gmail.com if you are interested. Fall harvest and a new baby arrive in November will keep us away from many games so there will be more for sale.
At least 4 for sale for the 2nd home contest. Again section 23. Two sets of pairs. Again asking $40/ticket but would be willing to deal. Tickets can get picked up the day off again or at the first football game.
Email me at emaw01@gmail.com if you are interested. Fall harvest and a new baby arrive in November will keep us away from many games so there will be more for sale.