I saw Coach Miller at Park Hill today. He said he spent all yesterday with Skylar Thompson and his family. I am assuming he was at Park Hill to keep tabs on Park HIll's manchild DE Chester Graves. That is why he has been there in the past. I saw him a couple of times when Chester was a sophomore. From what I have heard from people at school Chester is holding out for an Oregon offer. I can't recall Mizzou or KU dropping by to see him but I know they have but probably not as frequently as Coach Miller. (At one of our games earlier this year I had a member of the security force tell me that MU Coach Pinkel was going to come to the game in a helicopter to watch Chester play. They were on alert in case he came. It rained all game so I didn't see that happen.) Coach Miller and I small talked about Memphis and the Liberty Bowl while he waited to chat with our coach. He said in all his coaching jobs he had never been to Memphis so he was looking forward to the bowl game.