I am just Angry right now...Angry at how hard we get in our own way to actually move this program forward off the Plateau...Love the man forever...but it is time...while there is still time for this program. This is not the same Snyder we have watched for 20 years...these are not the same players that he has coached, these are not he same Dynamic game planners...we aren't even coaching by "The Goals" (Expect to Win, Never Give Up, etc)...We all know what play we are going to run...even the announcers are starting to accurately call out the play we are going to run...It is tiring...the program looks tired. It is time.
I don't want it to be over, I want the fairy-tale ending, but over the last few years what we are doing in recruiting and on the field, I have come to realize we already got the fairy tale ending (albeit less then maybe we feel Snyder deserves), and unfortunately the encore performance has dragged on far longer then it should reasonably have ever been expected. Even if we won out (Bwahahahah)...I think this game showed exactly the type of teams we are not built to compete with...stubbornly on purpose. Unfortunately that is every team in the Big 12 other than us. It it time. It is time.
I don't want it to be over, I want the fairy-tale ending, but over the last few years what we are doing in recruiting and on the field, I have come to realize we already got the fairy tale ending (albeit less then maybe we feel Snyder deserves), and unfortunately the encore performance has dragged on far longer then it should reasonably have ever been expected. Even if we won out (Bwahahahah)...I think this game showed exactly the type of teams we are not built to compete with...stubbornly on purpose. Unfortunately that is every team in the Big 12 other than us. It it time. It is time.