But after having to listen to the game yesterday on XM radio (west virginia broadcaters) I think I have a strong recommendation that would make Bruce a better basketball coach.
He needs to coach his players during practice, and let them play in the games. It was amazing hearing him in the background telling players what to do during the broadcast. No way the players can play loose when that crap is going on.
Its like he doesnt trust his players to do their job... if he coaches them how to do their job in practice, and focuses on simply managing the game on game days, I am confident we would be seeing better results. The players have shown they have talent... they need to be allowed to use their talent without being micro managed.
He needs to coach his players during practice, and let them play in the games. It was amazing hearing him in the background telling players what to do during the broadcast. No way the players can play loose when that crap is going on.
Its like he doesnt trust his players to do their job... if he coaches them how to do their job in practice, and focuses on simply managing the game on game days, I am confident we would be seeing better results. The players have shown they have talent... they need to be allowed to use their talent without being micro managed.