Tom Shachtman
07.03.18 8:24 PM ET
Go after the media for dissing the president? Check.
Define treason as anything anti-administration? Check.
Restrict immigration? Check.
Make deportations easier? Check.
Tighten citizenship requirements? Check.
It’s the 220th anniversary of the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, the forebear of Trump’s anti-immigrant, media-bashing, attention-distracting rulings. Those Acts ramped up the American populace’s anger and directed it away from a tepid economy and ingrained elitism and toward the government’s homeland political enemies.
07.03.18 8:24 PM ET
Go after the media for dissing the president? Check.
Define treason as anything anti-administration? Check.
Restrict immigration? Check.
Make deportations easier? Check.
Tighten citizenship requirements? Check.
It’s the 220th anniversary of the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, the forebear of Trump’s anti-immigrant, media-bashing, attention-distracting rulings. Those Acts ramped up the American populace’s anger and directed it away from a tepid economy and ingrained elitism and toward the government’s homeland political enemies.