Last night was ku day at the K and they interviewed their DE Dorance Armstrong on the radio. They asked him about their offense and he said "They're good. They've gotten a lot better because they have to go up against the best D-Line and Defense in the Big 12 everyday." Typical ku player quote. When will they ever learn that they need to just keep their mouth shut and go to work? I get having confidence and of course you're not gonna say you suck, but don't put crap out there like that either. You can tell they certainly aren't coached up in the talking to media department.
Nothing major. Just heard it and had to laugh...and share on here. I hope they keep putting up golden quotes like that for teams to get ahold of for bulletin board material.
Nothing major. Just heard it and had to laugh...and share on here. I hope they keep putting up golden quotes like that for teams to get ahold of for bulletin board material.