ive been a season ticket holder for the entire duration of Bruce Weber basketball. I'm sure there are many reasons why nobody shows up but here's what pisses me. I stress from my seats every game because 5-10 min before tip there are very few people in the seats which eventually does fill q little bit but not close to what it used to be. The student section in section 18 is completely empty every single game which is the same for the GA section in i think 26? It just sucks that there is nobody there anymore to make this entertainment better. We are suppose to be octagon of doom and it feels more like gloom. On another note though all of the fun is taken away. Bringing on the cats with the tunnel Dance use to be a lot of fun for me and got me into the ballgame. Then when we go on runs and the crowd got amped we would hit sandstorm and that would blow up the stands. Now both are gone and we have to get jacked up with the band. It's just boring. Blow me up all you want but that's where I am at. Still love this university and always will EMAW