The "Queen of the Botox" Pelosi and the curmudgeonly,Cummings, put on the liberal ilk's latest episode of "Dumb and Dumber" at a leftist press conference... Both went ballistic with the normal feigned liberal leftist ilk outrage, over and about the resignation of Flynn.. The loathsome liberal leaders of the ilk, USE of FAKE tweets attributed to Flynn, should not come as a surprise and falls in line with the propaganda process of progressives...The Koran of the socialist fascist, the NYT, and other so-called main stream media, also sited the FAKE Flynn tweets,in a so-called "factual" reporting of the Flynn resignation scenario.....
When called out for the USE of FAKE NEWS...the liberal icons of idiocy, Pelosi and Cummings, used the common liberal ilk excuse of pleading ignorance and being victims of the false information... The NYT, as well as other main stream media, were forced to remove the FAKE Flynn tweets, only after being lambasted for the continuing disregard for the truth by all propagandist in the press...
When called out for the USE of FAKE NEWS...the liberal icons of idiocy, Pelosi and Cummings, used the common liberal ilk excuse of pleading ignorance and being victims of the false information... The NYT, as well as other main stream media, were forced to remove the FAKE Flynn tweets, only after being lambasted for the continuing disregard for the truth by all propagandist in the press...