One of the mainstays of liberal village idiocy, Maxine Waters, continued the outlandish lies and campaign of deceit and destruction by the loutish liberal left... Among the many brazen lies and alt-facts by Waters, was her assertion that President Trump should be impeached because Putin invaded and continues his invasion of Korea... This after, Waters in her normal vegetative state, had accused Putin of the supplying the bombs and supplies responsible for the killing of innocent families and children in,in,in,ah,oh,.... Only to be thrown a lifeline by being prompted from off stage/screen with the name of the city of Aleppo...While the vile disgusting liberal leftist, will never embrace the American values of truth, justice, and honesty,.. Surely, at the very least, the Soros serf,that specializes in cutting and pasting, can send this intellectually lacking iconic leader of the looney liberal leftist ilk, a map of the world...