Total Yardage: #4 105 yrds (#1 223yards, #2 188yards, #3 120yards)
Average yards: #1 26.3 yrds (#2 is 20.9 yrds)
Longest: #2 67 yards (#1 92 yards)
Touchdowns: #2 1TD (#1 has 2 tds. Combined, these are the only TDs scored so far on punts)
Kick Returns
Total Yardage: #1 262 yards (#2 184 yards)
Average Yards: #2 37.4 yards (#1 is 40.5 yards, but that should be thrown out because only 2 returns and 1 was 49 yards – so skewed. The #3 guy is avg 33 yards per return so a better comparison)
Longest: 103 yards (#2 is 49 yards)
Touchdowns: #1 Tyler has the only kickoff return touchdown in the preseason.
Total Yardage: #4 105 yrds (#1 223yards, #2 188yards, #3 120yards)
Average yards: #1 26.3 yrds (#2 is 20.9 yrds)
Longest: #2 67 yards (#1 92 yards)
Touchdowns: #2 1TD (#1 has 2 tds. Combined, these are the only TDs scored so far on punts)
Kick Returns
Total Yardage: #1 262 yards (#2 184 yards)
Average Yards: #2 37.4 yards (#1 is 40.5 yards, but that should be thrown out because only 2 returns and 1 was 49 yards – so skewed. The #3 guy is avg 33 yards per return so a better comparison)
Longest: 103 yards (#2 is 49 yards)
Touchdowns: #1 Tyler has the only kickoff return touchdown in the preseason.