"Your obsession with who talked to whom and when is not the answer here. It should be the substance,” Spicer said. “In the same way that when you guys print a story with 18 anonymous sources, your obsession is the substance. It seems now that you continue to look at it from a backwards prism, which is, you know, ‘What happened? Who drove in what gate? Who did they meet with? What were they wearing?’ As opposed to the substance.”
“I never said we would provide you answers. I said we would look into it,” he added later.
“If I start going down the path of confirming and denying one thing, we’re going down a very slippery slope,” he said. “I’ve made my position very clear on that.”
The reporters need to know when and who before they can ask questions relevant to what "substance" was discussed. His slippery slope is the truth he is spinning around.
“I never said we would provide you answers. I said we would look into it,” he added later.
“If I start going down the path of confirming and denying one thing, we’re going down a very slippery slope,” he said. “I’ve made my position very clear on that.”
The reporters need to know when and who before they can ask questions relevant to what "substance" was discussed. His slippery slope is the truth he is spinning around.