Ten years ago my young self woke up at 5:30 AM and proceeded to walk to the East Side of the football stadium. The parking lot was blocked off with police and students had to gather along the outside of the parking lot on the grass between the rec and Bramlage. We all had the same goal in mind of getting the best spot in line but that couldn’t happen until 6 AM came around. The weather was a bit chilly that morning, but no one seemed to care. Today was about a mission and regardless of the weather it was going to get done. More and more students began to gather and several hundreds were out early. All eyes were locked on the police car. His siren went off and it was a sprint for everyone across the parking lot to get their spot in line. Some weren’t so lucky that morning as they didn’t pay attention to the barriers that were still in the parking not. OUCH. Still unsure if those people stuck it out throughout the day or decided to hang it up and head home. The dash was over and I am sitting in a pretty good spot near the front of the line, only 12.5 more hours to go until the doors opened. All classes were skipped that day, new friends were made, and outside Bramlage we chanted things that most would deem “classless” during the morning to the evening until it was time. I wouldn’t trade a second of it. ICAT gates opened up and the line began to shuffle up to the entrance. Once my ticket was scanned it was yet again another mad dash to the student section. I was the runner for our group so I got in there after running down the bleachers like it was a competition. 4th row, half court. The next several hours still make up some of the best memories I will take a way from being a student at K-State. We had chants for every KU player handed out on cards, sandstorm was played, and I don’t believe the electricity in Bramlage that night will ever be matched. Here’s to those students 10 years younger doing the same thing today. I hope The Bram shakes, students yell and chant whatever they please, and we come out with the W. #EMAW