Question: are you a public toilet destroyer?
This is a weird sports period with a whole lot of speculation about things, so I thought I'd pose a question that's been nagging the back of my brain for a while and recently came to a head and maybe we can get some real nuanced debate going about a situation I'm sure we've all experienced. Story below.
I work part-time at a big box home store. Yesterday I felt the rumbling that precedes a major dump and had to run to the men's room, where I found all three enclosed toilets destroyed ... I'm talking WWII flyover footage of a bombed-out German village.
~The disabled stall looked like someone just hovered, spread their cheeks and shotgunned the wall behind the toilet. Completely out of commission.
~The adjacent toilet was filled with a toilet paper mound that rose above the seat and no way to flush. (?!)
~Whomever used the toilet next to the above one put their poop chute directly on the back of the seat as near as I could tell and somehow got some of it on the pipes coming out of the wall as well as the actual stall wall to the right.
Ergo, I was forced to use the unisex family bathroom and ruined it for the mom who was, of course, waiting to use it with her small child after I exited. (I always wipe the butt sweat off the seat when I'm done)
It feels like there's some real anger in this level of destruction, almost as if they've planned it and are saving it up for their trip to the store. And it's not just yesterday, though the magnitude of Thursday's events are what led me to this post.
My question is, what is the makeup of someone who destroys public restrooms? The customers all seem so decent when I assist them on the sales floor, but something's going on here. (In my, certainly, biased opinion it's the contractors wearing sweatpants and Crocs/Velcro shoes)
This is a weird sports period with a whole lot of speculation about things, so I thought I'd pose a question that's been nagging the back of my brain for a while and recently came to a head and maybe we can get some real nuanced debate going about a situation I'm sure we've all experienced. Story below.
I work part-time at a big box home store. Yesterday I felt the rumbling that precedes a major dump and had to run to the men's room, where I found all three enclosed toilets destroyed ... I'm talking WWII flyover footage of a bombed-out German village.
~The disabled stall looked like someone just hovered, spread their cheeks and shotgunned the wall behind the toilet. Completely out of commission.
~The adjacent toilet was filled with a toilet paper mound that rose above the seat and no way to flush. (?!)
~Whomever used the toilet next to the above one put their poop chute directly on the back of the seat as near as I could tell and somehow got some of it on the pipes coming out of the wall as well as the actual stall wall to the right.
Ergo, I was forced to use the unisex family bathroom and ruined it for the mom who was, of course, waiting to use it with her small child after I exited. (I always wipe the butt sweat off the seat when I'm done)
It feels like there's some real anger in this level of destruction, almost as if they've planned it and are saving it up for their trip to the store. And it's not just yesterday, though the magnitude of Thursday's events are what led me to this post.
My question is, what is the makeup of someone who destroys public restrooms? The customers all seem so decent when I assist them on the sales floor, but something's going on here. (In my, certainly, biased opinion it's the contractors wearing sweatpants and Crocs/Velcro shoes)