Cutting back water on Ag is a joke people. We need the produce California produces as well as the grain in western Ks. For the record the water in western Ks does not affect you in the eastern half in terms of quality of life. Do we need to be aware yes. We grow the most grain on the least water we ever have and I think technology will help that more. People miss the big picture though. Its not just corn its cattle to. The feed yards came here because the winters in the northern corn belt are to harsh. So since the feed yards are in Ks ok and tax the packers followed. My dad will be starting his 39th yr irrigating in Kiowa county and you know what our waters tables have not changed a whole lot. Its the Ag community that keeps our towns alive, schools funds, and many other public entities. We as a family pay over 60k a yr in property tax and we are by no means the biggest. So when it comes to eater issues I get a little hot.