...even by D. Scott's Kitchen standards:
"Anne Weese, the doctor, the licensed psychologist, the never-put-a-Band-Aid-on-it savant, slides onto the dark gray couch in her black Kansas State Volleyball hoodie and smart, black-framed glasses. It’s a three-cushion couch, leather, perfect for a nap beneath the tepid glow of the dimmed three-light floor lamp that stands adjacent to the dark brown hutch."
"Anne Weese, the doctor, the licensed psychologist, the never-put-a-Band-Aid-on-it savant, slides onto the dark gray couch in her black Kansas State Volleyball hoodie and smart, black-framed glasses. It’s a three-cushion couch, leather, perfect for a nap beneath the tepid glow of the dimmed three-light floor lamp that stands adjacent to the dark brown hutch."