The Hillary email saga just keeps getting juicier and juicier. The plot lines expand, the seriousness and probability of her crimes grows nearly every day. It's now nearly a lock that she committed multiple felonies
Bloomberg sending signals re a third party run, Biden lurks. Obama throws no praise Hills way. She surely has dirt on him.
James Comey and career FBI/CIA/NSA guys will fill flip out if this doesn't get a criminal referral. The Russians/Chinese almost certinally hacked. Lynch is in a bad spot. Hillary investigated Nixon for far FAR less, oh and it just happened to be over the erasure of electronic data. The Clinton camp doesn't like the Barry Camp and vise versa.
Huma could get played as a pawn, as could Susan Rice, or they could turn on her.
It's all timed up with the primaries, which if she loses Iowa and NH it could come with an indictment to clear her out of the way for Bloomberg/Biden/Indian Liz
The FBI routinely conducts major investigations in collaboration with Justice Department prosecutors — usually from the U.S. attorney’s office in the district where potential crimes occurred. That is because the FBI needs the assistance of a grand jury. The FBI does not have authority even to issue subpoenas, let alone to charge someone with a crime. Only federal prosecutors may issue subpoenas, on the lawful authority of the grand jury. Only prosecutors are empowered to present evidence or propose charges to the grand jury. And the Constitution vests only the grand jury with authority to indict — the formal accusation of a crime. In our system, the FBI can do none of these things.
No Justice Department, no grand jury. No grand jury, no case — period. As a technical matter, no matter how extensively the FBI pokes around on its own, no one can be a subject of a real investigation — i.e., one that can lead to criminal charges — unless and until there is a grand jury. That does not happen until the Justice Department hops on board.
Bloomberg sending signals re a third party run, Biden lurks. Obama throws no praise Hills way. She surely has dirt on him.
James Comey and career FBI/CIA/NSA guys will fill flip out if this doesn't get a criminal referral. The Russians/Chinese almost certinally hacked. Lynch is in a bad spot. Hillary investigated Nixon for far FAR less, oh and it just happened to be over the erasure of electronic data. The Clinton camp doesn't like the Barry Camp and vise versa.
Huma could get played as a pawn, as could Susan Rice, or they could turn on her.
It's all timed up with the primaries, which if she loses Iowa and NH it could come with an indictment to clear her out of the way for Bloomberg/Biden/Indian Liz
The FBI routinely conducts major investigations in collaboration with Justice Department prosecutors — usually from the U.S. attorney’s office in the district where potential crimes occurred. That is because the FBI needs the assistance of a grand jury. The FBI does not have authority even to issue subpoenas, let alone to charge someone with a crime. Only federal prosecutors may issue subpoenas, on the lawful authority of the grand jury. Only prosecutors are empowered to present evidence or propose charges to the grand jury. And the Constitution vests only the grand jury with authority to indict — the formal accusation of a crime. In our system, the FBI can do none of these things.
No Justice Department, no grand jury. No grand jury, no case — period. As a technical matter, no matter how extensively the FBI pokes around on its own, no one can be a subject of a real investigation — i.e., one that can lead to criminal charges — unless and until there is a grand jury. That does not happen until the Justice Department hops on board.