How did Purdue win? lololololololoololol more then luck! What a huge win on the road. Purdue wins going away in O.T. Purdue lead Penn State once in the whole regulation game. With 5.7 seconds to go they fouled Purdue with a three point lead. Purdue missed both free throws, but got the rebound and Stephens hit a long long three pointer to go in O.T. lololololololololololololoolol Penn State just had their wind out and got blown out in O.T.! lolololololololololololololololololololoolloloolololololololololololool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Penn State is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terrible! The worst in the Big Ten! They just can't win a game. they started the Big Ten 12-1 , but are 0- 5 in the Big Ten! lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Purdue goes to 3-2 in the Big Ten! lololololololololololololololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This post was edited on 1/17 12:49 PM by Johnnypurdue PS 84-77 Purdue!
This post was edited on 1/17 1:00 PM by Johnnypurdue
This post was edited on 1/17 12:49 PM by Johnnypurdue PS 84-77 Purdue!
This post was edited on 1/17 1:00 PM by Johnnypurdue