Reminder-you can donate tickets to Ft. Riley


A solid starter
Nov 13, 2010
I think it is pretty safe to assume that everybody who plans on attending the Baylor game already has tickets. With the number of people trying to unload their tickets here, I thought it would be good to point out that tickets can be donated by contacting KSU. There are hundreds for sale on stubhub for sale @ their $6 minimum price. I know there are lots of reasons for not attending, but hopefully ft Riley can help us fill some of these seats.
bump - might as well donate your tickets. I don't think there is anybody in the market to buy them at this point. Hopefully a soldier and/or their family will want to go to the game in your place.
I contacted a Ft Riley guy last night to see if he would be interested in 4 of ours and he was so appreciative and excited! He said that many of the guys he works with had been talking about the game and he had several friends that would help him out and use them.