Sharing football tickets?


All-American performer
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2001
Shell Knob, MO
Is there anyone here that would be interested in sharing football season tickets? We are looking at the $150 tickets in the 420 or so section. However, we live in SW Missouri, and only make it for a couple of games. Specifically the first game, when Mr GC plays in the Alumni Band, and homecoming. Looks like they would be about $21.43 or so for each game.

Just thought I would throw this out there. We will probably go ahead and get them, as I have several relatives in Manhattan that could use them as well.


Mrs GC
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Interesting, how many tickets per game? I may be interested, as I no longer have season tickets. You mentioned two games you’d be attending does that mean the others are the games you’re wanting to sell the tickets?
Is there anyone here that would be interested in sharing football season tickets? We are looking at the $150 tickets in the 420 or so section. However, we live in SW Missouri, and only make it for a couple of games. Specifically the first game, when Mr GC plays in the Alumni Band, and homecoming. Looks like they would be about $21.43 or so for each game.

Just thought I would throw this out there. We will probably go ahead and get them, as I have several relatives in Manhattan that could use them as well.


Mrs GC

Depending on how many you want/need we could potentially arrange something with parking in section 23. I know I won't make the opener, or pretty much any games.
Interesting, how many tickets per game? I may be interested, as I no longer have season tickets. You mentioned two games you’d be attending does that mean the others are the games you’re wanting to sell the tickets?
Yes, I believe we'd sell all games but those 2. We would buy 2 season tickets.

Mrs GC
Depending on how many you want/need we could potentially arrange something with parking in section 23. I know I won't make the opener, or pretty much any games.
We'd be interested in that as well. We will need 2 tickets to those two games, and may be interested in another one. Mr GC is retired, however I'm not. But I only work until noon on fridays, so that makes it a bit easier to get to games.

Thanks for the response.

Mrs GC
Either Nation or GoddardCat I’d definitely be interested in purchasing tickets.
Yeah the entire season won’t work out as I’ll be working out of state and it’ll tough to make it back more than a couple games. If you decide to split them up I’d be interested in an a couple games, and the opponent isn’t that critical. Thanks,