The term sheeple gets tossed around.
Sheeple are people that have no capacity for self-leadership. They will follow whoever they think has the best chance of securing their survival, even if those people are evil. Sheeple in and of themselves are not nefarious minded. They are obtuse about the bigger picture and are just concerned what is in front of them. They are not intellectually curious beyond what they see on the nightly news. No one recognizes themselves as that way.
This is a different mindset from those that look for leadership in people who display integrity, experience and competence, although those leaders are very difficult to find in the modern age because the global elite are pretty much in charge through their global money monopoly.
Sheeple don't care about any of that. They just want to feel protected and secure no matter what, even if freedoms are sacrificed. They are target number one for a demigod or collectivists, who largely buy votes by promising to take from the haves and give to the have nots.
They join in ridiculing terms such as conspiracy theory, preppers and right wing conservatives because the demigods and main stream media say so because they have the loudest, consistent voice.
Sheeple are people that have no capacity for self-leadership. They will follow whoever they think has the best chance of securing their survival, even if those people are evil. Sheeple in and of themselves are not nefarious minded. They are obtuse about the bigger picture and are just concerned what is in front of them. They are not intellectually curious beyond what they see on the nightly news. No one recognizes themselves as that way.
This is a different mindset from those that look for leadership in people who display integrity, experience and competence, although those leaders are very difficult to find in the modern age because the global elite are pretty much in charge through their global money monopoly.
Sheeple don't care about any of that. They just want to feel protected and secure no matter what, even if freedoms are sacrificed. They are target number one for a demigod or collectivists, who largely buy votes by promising to take from the haves and give to the have nots.
They join in ridiculing terms such as conspiracy theory, preppers and right wing conservatives because the demigods and main stream media say so because they have the loudest, consistent voice.