I am not a huge advanced analytics/stats, mainly because I do not know a lot about them, although I just took a stats class, so maybe that sparked my interest.
Anyways, this site, Shot Quality, basically quantifies the quality of shots that a team and/or player takes.
Their main stat is called Shot Quality (shocker), and per their website it is calculated, by "Shot Quality is calculated by multiplying the percent chance a shot has of going in, i.e. the probability that the basket is made and the type of shot, denoted by the no. of points that shot entails - either a 2-pointer or a 3-pointer."
The percent chance that the shot has going in is predetermined by 90 (!!!) variables. Pretty crazy stuff. Anyway, I wanted to see where KSU as a team and the players stood.
Anyways here is deep dive into some of the stats this cool website has.
Offensive SQ: Quality of shots taken by us on offense
Now for a dive into a few players SQ stats. I just went with Nijel and Mike for the hell of it....
SQ PPP: Shot Quality Points acquired per possession
Bad Possession Rate: The percent of possessions played that are in the 33rd Percentile of SQ points or above.
Rim and 3 Rate: Same as above, percentage of shots that are either 3's or at the rim.
SQ Passing Points Created/Game: Tracks every pass and sums up the SQ points that were accumulated from each pass. Dispels bias in normal assist stat.
The individual stats are a little telling where our faults may be coming from, just from these two players. Especially Mike (and I am a Mike supporter), but if your "lead" or "go to" guy is going to just be about average in these stats, that is an issue. And the fact that a true frosh is almost having as many good possessions as you, that could also be telling) Mike is distributing at a high level so that so that is nice to see.
Just thought this site was interesting as their stats have basically no bias. Here is a link, https://shotquality.com/ any team or player on a team can be found.
I know there is a lot here and a ton of info, so feel free to skim or not even look at it, but just were curious as to what you guys thought of this????
Anyways, this site, Shot Quality, basically quantifies the quality of shots that a team and/or player takes.
Their main stat is called Shot Quality (shocker), and per their website it is calculated, by "Shot Quality is calculated by multiplying the percent chance a shot has of going in, i.e. the probability that the basket is made and the type of shot, denoted by the no. of points that shot entails - either a 2-pointer or a 3-pointer."
The percent chance that the shot has going in is predetermined by 90 (!!!) variables. Pretty crazy stuff. Anyway, I wanted to see where KSU as a team and the players stood.
Anyways here is deep dive into some of the stats this cool website has.
Team Name | Offensive SQ | Defensive SQ | Rim and 3 Rate | SQ Record | Record Luck |
Kansas State | 1.05 | 1.03 | 0.66 | 5.8-5.2 | 7.27 |
Average | Average | Average | Above Average-Great |
Offensive SQ: Quality of shots taken by us on offense
For context: 1.20 and up is considered Excellent and 0.9 or less is considered awful
Defensive SQ: Quality of shots given up by us on defenseFor context: Vice versa of the offensive
Rim and 3 Rate: The rate at which teams get a shot at the rim or a three.For context: .80 and above is excellent and .50 is awful
Record Luck: The SQ win percentage win %-actual win %. (So we are seeing positive regression)For context: 15 or more is excellent and 0 is average.
Pretty telling that we are only average on defense this year, when we have been stout the past years of Weber's tenure. When a regressed Defense is paired with an Offense that is also exactly average by shot quality standards, not many good things are going to happen.Now for a dive into a few players SQ stats. I just went with Nijel and Mike for the hell of it....
Player | Possessions | SQ PPP | SQ PPP Rank | Good Possession Rate | Bad Possession Rate | Rim and 3 Rate | SQ Passing Points/Game |
Nijel Pack | 126 | 0.92 (Below Average-Average) | 47th Percentile | 25% (Exactly Average) | 32% (Below Average) | 66% (Average) | 6.23 |
Mike McGuirl | 146 | 0.97 (Just above Average) | 58th Percentile | 28% (Almost Above Average) | 24% (Average) | 73% (Above Average-Great) | 8.52 |
SQ PPP: Shot Quality Points acquired per possession
For context: 1.10 or more is excellent and .80 or lower is awful
Good Possession Rate: The percent of possessions played are in the 66th Percentile of SQ points or above.Bad Possession Rate: The percent of possessions played that are in the 33rd Percentile of SQ points or above.
Rim and 3 Rate: Same as above, percentage of shots that are either 3's or at the rim.
SQ Passing Points Created/Game: Tracks every pass and sums up the SQ points that were accumulated from each pass. Dispels bias in normal assist stat.
The individual stats are a little telling where our faults may be coming from, just from these two players. Especially Mike (and I am a Mike supporter), but if your "lead" or "go to" guy is going to just be about average in these stats, that is an issue. And the fact that a true frosh is almost having as many good possessions as you, that could also be telling) Mike is distributing at a high level so that so that is nice to see.
Just thought this site was interesting as their stats have basically no bias. Here is a link, https://shotquality.com/ any team or player on a team can be found.
I know there is a lot here and a ton of info, so feel free to skim or not even look at it, but just were curious as to what you guys thought of this????
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