Albert Pike is credited for writing this letter to Giuseppe Mazzini of Italy in 1871. The letter uncannily accurately predicted 3 world wars two of which have come true. Was he clairvoyant or a soothsayer? No, he knew people in very high places that have power over such things.
Coincidentally, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in the District of Columbia making for two governing bodies in 1871 as well. Of course, we are kept in the dark about such matters. And most reading this will react ho hum.
As an aside, Pike was a leading Confederate general whose statute still stands in D.C. and is credited as being a founder of KKK.
Coincidentally, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in the District of Columbia making for two governing bodies in 1871 as well. Of course, we are kept in the dark about such matters. And most reading this will react ho hum.
As an aside, Pike was a leading Confederate general whose statute still stands in D.C. and is credited as being a founder of KKK.