The Clinton Clan body count of possible co-conspirators and/or witnesses now exceeds 30 and is climbing... This extreme version of liberal ideology (more Russian love) while not as efficient as the Totalitarian's way of attempting to protect his corrupt and failed legacy, it is still the most evil of evil's, by all metrics except those used by the disgusting liberal ilk... The Totalitarian dealt with the rampant criminal activity of the liberal leftist ilk, by the pardoning of thousands of liberal ilk convicted criminals from prison and the constant dumping of vile violent illegal alien liberal recruits on the American homeland. While the Totalitarian's actions may not seem as severe as the Clinton version of "redacting", evil is still evil....
Remember, liberal ilk ideology believes the law and US Constitution was meant to be followed by only those not of the elitist liberal ilk...
Remember, liberal ilk ideology believes the law and US Constitution was meant to be followed by only those not of the elitist liberal ilk...