I find it very ironic on the twists and turns associated with the "endorsement Pledge" that was signed by all the Republican candidates for President. It was originally intended to keep Trump from running as a 3rd party. That was when many Republican and Conservative talking heads were telling the world "Trump will not be our nominee". So now the irony is Trump wins so Bush, Kashich (who I cannot figure out), Cruz and a couple of others will not endorse Trump.
The second irony is Mrs Trump gets in trouble for lifting the line "My Word Is My Bond......." from a Michelle Obama speech. How ironic is that for the RNC.
I find it very ironic on the twists and turns associated with the "endorsement Pledge" that was signed by all the Republican candidates for President. It was originally intended to keep Trump from running as a 3rd party. That was when many Republican and Conservative talking heads were telling the world "Trump will not be our nominee". So now the irony is Trump wins so Bush, Kashich (who I cannot figure out), Cruz and a couple of others will not endorse Trump.
The second irony is Mrs Trump gets in trouble for lifting the line "My Word Is My Bond......." from a Michelle Obama speech. How ironic is that for the RNC.
The third irony is the Republicans, me included, have jumped all over President Obama's "You can keep your own Doctor. You can keep your plan......period." repeated lie. Hillary is a "Congetital Liar" per the NY Times. Well now my guys are lying.
We are at a point in our society where getting caught in a lie is just part of life.
We are at a point in our society where getting caught in a lie is just part of life.