"They are a radical right that recalls earlier radical right movements such as reactionaries, fascists and theocrats. But they are also a new phenomenon. They were elevated to power through hacking, bots, gerrymandering, voter suppression and PACs. The information revolution made it possible for the least knowledgeable and yet most extreme to push themselves to power to dismantle government from within, despite losing the popular vote and continuing strong popular opposition.
We will need new words to describe this, as it continues to develop in unpredictable ways. But one thing is sure: The familiar days of the “right” as cautious men in suits and the “left” as hairy hippies are over. The Cold War, with its comforting clichés about authoritarianism happening to other people, is over.
We’re living something else now"
"The GOP Is No Longer A ‘Conservative’ Party
They’ve become radical, and they want to remake America.
Katherine Pickering Antonova On Assignment For HuffPost..
We will need new words to describe this, as it continues to develop in unpredictable ways. But one thing is sure: The familiar days of the “right” as cautious men in suits and the “left” as hairy hippies are over. The Cold War, with its comforting clichés about authoritarianism happening to other people, is over.
We’re living something else now"
"The GOP Is No Longer A ‘Conservative’ Party
They’ve become radical, and they want to remake America.
Katherine Pickering Antonova On Assignment For HuffPost..