looking at the phlog board and speaking to some of my friends who went to ku, the meltdown is critical. They don't see any hope, have no illusions that they will turn it around and are calling for the AD's head and think Beaty is an idiot. Fans hated the season, hated their game experience, see no stadium improvements or football program improvement. The stadium looks like an old warehouse and the product on the field is a very smelly turd in pretty clothes.
If Sheahon was a K-State plant (actual rumor among the ku faithful), it's the most brilliant piece of subterfuge ever in sports history.
Enjoy this time, especially those of you that don't remember when both programs sucked. It may never be this fun to watch their fans ever again....
If Sheahon was a K-State plant (actual rumor among the ku faithful), it's the most brilliant piece of subterfuge ever in sports history.
Enjoy this time, especially those of you that don't remember when both programs sucked. It may never be this fun to watch their fans ever again....