This latest version of the brotherhood of the axis of evil.... All three engage in mob rule, violence an assassination, destruction of historical statues and artifacts, and sadly, soon,way to soon the vile liberal ilk will probably be attempting to earn the evil merit badge for book burning... The anarchy and blatant criminal behavior engaged in by the disgusting AntiFa socialistic fascist liberal ilk in Durham is just the beginning of the violent hatred the leftist liberal ilk has planned for the rest of the country..... Not surprised that the minions in the Soros media have had little to zero critical reporting on the destruction caused by the criminality of the vile liberal ilk's actions in Durham... Where is the condemnation of this hatred by any of the disgusting leftist liberal ilk's leaders???..At least, that well known faux Native American Princess, Elizabeth Warren, admitted that the masked armed illegally assembled mob of AntiFa, in Charlotte last week, was what the Demoncratic Party had devolved down too.. What's next on the hit list for the ever evil fascist liberal ilk? Will it be an attack on all the founding fathers that were slave owners?? The ilk will want to make sure that the ilk includes good old honest Abe on the hit list. After all, Abe campaigned stating he thought the white man was the more intelligent race.. The ilk will need to destroy all the war memorials and military cemeteries, they are after all just symbolic of the " White " greed...The vile fascist liberal ilk needs to get started and started fast in the ilk's ISIS and Nazis like actions of attempting to erase or at least revise history.... AmiRite ilk???