From MSN:
Deranged and delusional Donald:
"Trump is widely disliked in the U.K. He has a positive opinion rating of only 21 percent, according to YouGov, compared to 72 percent for former President Barack Obama.
But he told The Sun Friday that “I don’t imagine any U.S. president was ever closer to your great land.”
"Now I think I am really — I hope — I am really loved in the U.K.," he added. "I certainly love the U.K."
Deranged and delusional Donald:
"Trump is widely disliked in the U.K. He has a positive opinion rating of only 21 percent, according to YouGov, compared to 72 percent for former President Barack Obama.
But he told The Sun Friday that “I don’t imagine any U.S. president was ever closer to your great land.”
"Now I think I am really — I hope — I am really loved in the U.K.," he added. "I certainly love the U.K."