WALLACE: Your deputy national security advisor was moved out after your wife did something I've never heard of a first lady doing before publicly calling for her removal. Are you comfortable with the way that went down where it kind of looked like your wife was firing one of your advisors?
TRUMP: Well, I didn't know the advisor well, really, and I know they had a lot of problems.... They came to me. They wanted to go a little bit public because that's the way they felt and I thought it was fine.
I met with Mira two days ago and we're going to move her around. She was with me for a long time, although I don't know her. She's really somebody I don't know very well. But we're going to move her around because she's got certain talents.
TRUMP: Well, I didn't know the advisor well, really, and I know they had a lot of problems.... They came to me. They wanted to go a little bit public because that's the way they felt and I thought it was fine.
I met with Mira two days ago and we're going to move her around. She was with me for a long time, although I don't know her. She's really somebody I don't know very well. But we're going to move her around because she's got certain talents.