had one my best friends pass away 4 years ago and every summer we put on a memorial golf tourney for him in Cheney. he was really into all things k-state, music and natural light (ha). part of my duties for the tourney every year, include the tournament t-shirt design. so far i've used natural light, GNR, foo fighters and metallica. this year, his wife wants to a k-state theme, namely something with the powercat. i know some high schools get permission to use it and pay a small fee. does anyone know if there is someone with the university i can contact to show them that we will not be using the logo for commercial use/profit and potentially get permission to print it on our t-shirts? i can provide the tax paperwork and tourney info. it started as a benefit to help get his daughter thru college and has now turned into giving a couple of high school kids a small scholarship each year. hoping someone on here can give me some direction. thanks!