KAYLEIGH McENANY, White House press secretary: “No tear gas was used. ... no one was tear-gassed. Let me make that clear.” — briefing Wednesday.
THE FACTS: People were tear-gassed.
Authorities acknowledged using pepper compound fired in plastic balls. Scientific sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, list dispersed pepper as a tear gas. Officers also fired projectiles containing chemicals that likewise meet the common and scientific definitions of tear gas.
Looks as if Kayleigh has cought the trump virus, early symptom, lying.
THE FACTS: People were tear-gassed.
Authorities acknowledged using pepper compound fired in plastic balls. Scientific sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, list dispersed pepper as a tear gas. Officers also fired projectiles containing chemicals that likewise meet the common and scientific definitions of tear gas.
Looks as if Kayleigh has cought the trump virus, early symptom, lying.