This board is such a great example of what I love about our athletic program and fan base. I mean does anyone care more than K-State fans? Go to the other message boards. See how many old threads there are and even for the newer threads how many posts there are. And OUR posts encompass both football and basketball. We are passionate and we argue with one another day and night about what course of action we should take to be more successful in both sports! Heck, I’m not upset with the folks that want Weber gone anymore than I’m upset with those who want him to stay. One thing I know: Both sets of fans just want to win. This is a message board; opinions SHOULD vary...and they do. It’s why if I was a coach here, I wouldn’t want to leave or retire and it’s why, I believe, we have something to offer that’s even a notch above KU. I knew them when THEY were “mediocre”. They were satisfied in football and to a lesser extent in basketball. So when folks say “we could do better”, I get that. But I also got why HCBS never took any of those trips to UCLA or USC or Alabama or wherever else they were calling him from to fix their problems. He recognized that the people here cared and that they were loyal. He was loyal.
Purpose of this rant? Nothing really other than to say that it’s great to be a part of this tremendous fan base. Carry on.
Purpose of this rant? Nothing really other than to say that it’s great to be a part of this tremendous fan base. Carry on.