"Its been said that public speaking is a person's greatest fear, but I think people fear social ostracism more than anything. Maybe even more than death."
In other words to be a contrarian thinker and express it takes great insight and courage in the face of conventional wisdom. Which is in very short supply. The State abhors those kind of people. They only want obedient sheep.
Does our current situation come to mind when a very few people are telling the masses to essentially commit economic suicide to bludgeon a gnat with a sledge hammer? Do you realize the common flu has killed many, many more than this C-19?
But if the government says it, it must be true. Think about that as the great majority of politicians in D C. leave there very wealthy. No corruption there and these people are credible and have our interests at heart. Really! Isn't their allegiance to the powers that made them rich?
In other words to be a contrarian thinker and express it takes great insight and courage in the face of conventional wisdom. Which is in very short supply. The State abhors those kind of people. They only want obedient sheep.
Does our current situation come to mind when a very few people are telling the masses to essentially commit economic suicide to bludgeon a gnat with a sledge hammer? Do you realize the common flu has killed many, many more than this C-19?
But if the government says it, it must be true. Think about that as the great majority of politicians in D C. leave there very wealthy. No corruption there and these people are credible and have our interests at heart. Really! Isn't their allegiance to the powers that made them rich?