As a parent of 3 k-state students (soon to be 4) I'm continually shocked about how expensive school is. Back in the day we paid one lump sum for a semester of school. It wasn't impossible to make it thru 4-5 years with little to no debt. If you did take a college loan out, you wouldn't have to start making payments until 6 months after graduation and interest would not incur until payments began. Hell my daughter had to take a 8 thousand dollar student loan her freshman year and now as a 5th year grad student that loan is now close to $11,000. My question is where in the hell does this money go. Do the math. 25,000 students enrolled every year X $185 a credit hour. My final beef is that students and parents are paying all of this money for education and many times its a grad student doing the instructing. Often this grad student has a difficult time expressing him/herself orally due to being from another country. Can someone please explain this too me!! Where does all of the money go!! Thanks!! A proud but broke KSU father of 4. EMAW