This is valuable information we should all take seriously. Part of the plan incorporates the Hegelian dialectic strategy I have reported on before.
The acrimony and dissention on world forum is symbolic of what goes on in our culture. We have strife and fight among ourselves while the ruling banksters move along with their agenda to force a one world government, which inevitably will be despotic and tyrannical. Few can see it because the primary media is controlled and complicit. All have been duped except those that want and are able to break out from the conventional thought and the severe brainwashing by public education and mass media.
Politicians from both sides are acomplices through either active compliance, blackmail or manipulation. This is why campaign promises are seldom carried through or it doesn't seem to matter what party is in power. Central government constantly grows and NEVER diminishes, all the while ultimately controlled by the private money trust.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, "Permit me to issue(with usury) and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
I suspect this information will have little or no impact because the political left and right are far more interested in promoting their "educated" ideology and being correct than understanding mankind's common enemy. And, that is exactly how the illuminati wants it.
This is valuable information we should all take seriously. Part of the plan incorporates the Hegelian dialectic strategy I have reported on before.
The acrimony and dissention on world forum is symbolic of what goes on in our culture. We have strife and fight among ourselves while the ruling banksters move along with their agenda to force a one world government, which inevitably will be despotic and tyrannical. Few can see it because the primary media is controlled and complicit. All have been duped except those that want and are able to break out from the conventional thought and the severe brainwashing by public education and mass media.
Politicians from both sides are acomplices through either active compliance, blackmail or manipulation. This is why campaign promises are seldom carried through or it doesn't seem to matter what party is in power. Central government constantly grows and NEVER diminishes, all the while ultimately controlled by the private money trust.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, "Permit me to issue(with usury) and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
I suspect this information will have little or no impact because the political left and right are far more interested in promoting their "educated" ideology and being correct than understanding mankind's common enemy. And, that is exactly how the illuminati wants it.