“When you don’t have a healthy quarterback, you need to be smart and not run him so much,” Klieman said. “And there was a stretch there right after Colorado that he was not healthy. It’s known that he wasn’t healthy. Everybody wants to know, why aren’t you running him?
Why aren’t you running him? Well, we can’t get him hurt. We can’t have him out. So we were probably a little bit smart with him to protect him and allowed him to get healthy. “People saw when he’s healthy, we’re really good on offense.”
It turns out that Johnson’s hip injury during a road win against Colorado on Oct. 12 was more significant than Johnson or anyone else in the K-State football locker room admitted.
Why aren’t you running him? Well, we can’t get him hurt. We can’t have him out. So we were probably a little bit smart with him to protect him and allowed him to get healthy. “People saw when he’s healthy, we’re really good on offense.”
It turns out that Johnson’s hip injury during a road win against Colorado on Oct. 12 was more significant than Johnson or anyone else in the K-State football locker room admitted.