while some of you are busy defending the idiot and party getting us further in debt.... The BIG GLARING OBVIOUS for mass school murders is Assault Weapons . Can you not climb off your podium to at least get something done about this!!!!! A simple, simple ban would help. But, no we will have to listen to BS about your right to own them because some one is going to invade your little part of the world. And then to tell someone to cure the mentally ill. Maybe instead of a wall, we need to build more mental health institutions. Fix what in the h....we can and at least try something for a change. Teachers and students are not pawns in your game of private rights because you have no control over others and you are never around when needed. And yes, they had a resource officer on the grounds, blew that idea . And, no America teachers do not need guns, that is so ridiculous. Children are not fair game for NRA. Pure and simple.