That's WGN in Chicago after the 12:00 news daily. I must change the station after the news because of all the screaming on the show. It is about the fat lady having sex with her son, or cousin or the guy down the street. It is the same story everyday! They are named Tisa, or minsha, or kishasa, or da john or some other made up name. lololoolololololololololololoolololololololololoolololololololo The women are like 400 labs of pure fat! screaming pounding their fists into their hand. lolololololololo Just like the kids in the inner city schools. lololololololololololololololololooll This guy is making millions with a sweater on and a smile. lololololololololo That's Muary. lolololoolol I never see anyone with any education on this program. They call that entertainment. lololololololololololololololoolololololololo It makes those people look retarded.