From the KSU student athlete code of conduct
Third Positive Test
Notification of the results will be made to the designated University counselor, the student-athlete, the Directorof Sports Medicine and/or his designee, the Director of Athletics, Associate Athletic Director for Compliance,the appropriate sport administrator, the team physician,the appropriate head coach, and the immediate supervisor of Sports Medicine as outlined above. The student-
athlete will be notified in writing that he/she will be immediately and permanently suspended from all athletics participation with loss of financial aid.
Third Positive Test
Notification of the results will be made to the designated University counselor, the student-athlete, the Directorof Sports Medicine and/or his designee, the Director of Athletics, Associate Athletic Director for Compliance,the appropriate sport administrator, the team physician,the appropriate head coach, and the immediate supervisor of Sports Medicine as outlined above. The student-
athlete will be notified in writing that he/she will be immediately and permanently suspended from all athletics participation with loss of financial aid.