NBC Sports is reporting that Barry Switzer, former OU coach, has commented that "the entire chapter should not be punished for the acts of a few". Although the statement was attributed to Switzer, it does not appear that he was actually interviewed by NBC. A Dallas TV station also reported that Switzer was "an honorary member of SAE" at OU.
While on this topic, I have viewed several comments by parents of students at OU questioning how the university president (Boren) could expel students on the pretext that "they created a hostile learning environment for others". The point being that the comments were made on a private bus trip and not open to the public or university officials. Some thought that Boren was exposing OU to lawsuits from legal types objecting to "due process of law" not being followed. I guess if I was a parent of an expelled student, even though I felt that my child was an ignoramus and needed to redeem himself to win back my respect, I would question the university's right to negate a half-semester's worth of education on that pretext. That seems like a shaky legal argument for expulsion to me.
While on this topic, I have viewed several comments by parents of students at OU questioning how the university president (Boren) could expel students on the pretext that "they created a hostile learning environment for others". The point being that the comments were made on a private bus trip and not open to the public or university officials. Some thought that Boren was exposing OU to lawsuits from legal types objecting to "due process of law" not being followed. I guess if I was a parent of an expelled student, even though I felt that my child was an ignoramus and needed to redeem himself to win back my respect, I would question the university's right to negate a half-semester's worth of education on that pretext. That seems like a shaky legal argument for expulsion to me.