So Kim Davis is being held up as a stalwart of Christian beliefs and a hero of the right (and yes, I know she's a D). She is a clerk in Kentucky who is refusing to issue gay marriage licenses in violation of the Supreme Court decision. Christians have predictably run to her defense and she has said that she's refusing to issue the licenses because it violates "God's definition of marriage" and is a matter of "Heaven or Hell." She is also someone who is on her fourth marriage and cheated on her first husband with her to be third husband but in the interim married a second husband who adopted the children before she divorced him and married the father of her children from the first marriage. In other words, she's the perfect person to be taking a principled stand because she's clearly shown a commitment and reverence for God's word.
And no, her background does not impact the fact she is legally required to issue the licenses and is in violation for not doing so. It's just typical of the Christian right that she picks and chooses which issues are core tenets of her faith and which are more friendly suggestions.
And no, her background does not impact the fact she is legally required to issue the licenses and is in violation for not doing so. It's just typical of the Christian right that she picks and chooses which issues are core tenets of her faith and which are more friendly suggestions.